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  • Writer's pictureNatalija Ugrina

Lost in Time: The Enigmatic Ruins and Untold Stories of Uxmal

Hey, lovely explorers!

I recently had the most magical adventure, and I just have to share it with you! If you're anything like me, with a passion for travel that goes beyond beaches and margaritas (though, don’t get me wrong, I love those too!), then you're going to adore this hidden gem in Mexico. Say hello to the Uxmal ruins, a place where history, mystery, and breathtaking beauty collide in the most spectacular way.

Lost in Time: The Enigmatic Ruins and Untold Stories of Uxmal
Lost in Time: The Enigmatic Ruins and Untold Stories of Uxmal

Discovering the Uxmal Ruins: More Than Just Ancient Stones

Okay, so if you’ve never heard of the Uxmal Mayan ruins before, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Nestled in the Yucatán Peninsula, this ancient Mayan city often gets overshadowed by its famous cousin, Chichen Itza. But trust me, the Uxmal ruins have a charm all their own, and I dare say they might even be more enchanting!

Uxmal is an archaeological site that dates back to around 500 AD, which, let’s be honest, is mind-blowing in itself. The city was a thriving metropolis in its day, with intricate structures and a layout that seems almost too perfect to be true. It’s like stepping into a time machine, only instead of the DeLorean, you’re walking through the lush, tropical landscape, with each turn revealing something even more jaw-dropping than the last.

But what truly sets the Uxmal ruins apart is the air of mystery that surrounds them. There’s something about this place that makes you feel like it’s holding onto secrets—secrets that have been buried in the jungle for centuries.

The Pyramid of the Magician: A Showstopper with a Mysterious Tale

The Pyramid of the Magician Uxmal Yucatan
The Pyramid of the Magician

First up on my must-see list: the Pyramid of the Magician. This pyramid is the centerpiece of the Uxmal Mayan ruins, and for good reason. Unlike the typical sharp-edged pyramids we’re used to seeing, this one has a smooth, oval shape, making it look almost like it’s been carved by the wind over centuries. But here’s where it gets interesting—there’s a legend that says this pyramid wasn’t built by human hands at all.

According to local folklore, the Pyramid of the Magician was created overnight by a dwarf with magical powers. The story goes that this dwarf, born from an egg and raised by a witch, was challenged by the king to prove his power by building the pyramid in a single day. And wouldn’t you know it, the dwarf succeeded, outsmarting the king and taking his place as the ruler of Uxmal.

Now, whether you believe in magic or not, there’s no denying that the construction of this pyramid is shrouded in mystery. Archaeologists have found that the pyramid was actually built in five stages over several centuries, but the exact methods used remain unclear. How did the Mayans achieve such architectural perfection with the tools they had? It’s a question that still puzzles experts today.

Astronomical Alignments: The Stars Above Uxmal

Another mind-blowing aspect of the Uxmal ruins is their connection to the stars. The Mayans were incredible astronomers, and Uxmal is a prime example of their celestial prowess. The entire city is aligned with significant astronomical events, but the Governor’s Palace is where the real mystery lies.

This long, low building sits atop a massive platform and faces the exact point on the horizon where Venus, the morning star, rises. This wasn’t just a random choice—Venus was extremely important to the Mayans, symbolizing both war and fertility. The alignment is so precise that it’s hard to believe it was done without modern tools.

Standing there, gazing at the palace, I couldn’t help but wonder how the ancient Mayans knew so much about the stars. Did they have some kind of ancient technology or knowledge that we’ve lost over time? It’s one of those tantalizing questions that makes the Uxmal ruins so fascinating.

The Hidden Messages of the Nunnery Quadrangle

The Nunnery Quadrangle is another place within the Uxmal ruins that seems to whisper secrets from the past. This large courtyard is surrounded by four intricate buildings, each covered in stone carvings that are as beautiful as they are mysterious. But what do they mean?

Some experts believe the carvings represent the Mayan cosmos, with symbols of the earth, sky, and underworld all depicted in stunning detail. Others think the Quadrangle was a school for priests, where they would learn the sacred rituals and knowledge needed to communicate with the gods.

But here’s the thing—nobody knows for sure. The Mayans left behind very few written records, so much of what we know about them is based on educated guesses. It’s like a giant puzzle, with pieces scattered across time, waiting for someone to put them together.

Nunnery Quadrangle uxmal mexico
Nunnery Quadrangle

Why Uxmal Should Be on Your Bucket List

So, why should you visit the Uxmal ruins? Honestly, it’s the kind of place that touches your soul. It’s not just about seeing the sights—it’s about feeling the history, the culture, and the spirituality of the Mayans. Uxmal is quieter and less touristy than other sites, which means you can really immerse yourself in the experience without feeling rushed or crowded.

Plus, if you’re a fan of mysteries (aren’t we all?), Uxmal has plenty. From its precise astronomical alignments to the legends surrounding its construction, there’s so much to ponder and explore. It’s the perfect destination for those of us who love a little adventure with our history.

Tips for Visiting Uxmal

Before you pack your bags, here are a few quick tips:

  1. Go Early: The Yucatán sun can be intense, so start your day early to beat the heat and the crowds.

  2. Bring Water: You’ll be doing a lot of walking and climbing around the Uxmal ruins, so stay hydrated!

  3. Wear Comfortable Shoes: Trust me, your feet will thank you.

  4. Take Your Time: Uxmal is best savored slowly. Give yourself at least a few hours to really explore.

  5. Stay Nearby: There are some lovely hotels in the area if you want to make a weekend of it. Plus, the light and sound show at night is a must-see! I personally stayed in Mérida in Hotel Sureño Yucatán, it was central, beautiful and I absolutely adored it! You can book it HERE.

So, are you ready to add the Uxmal ruins to your travel list? I promise, it’s a journey you’ll never forget. Whether you’re a history buff, a culture vulture, or just someone looking for a unique escape, Uxmal will capture your heart just like it did mine.

Happy travels, adventurers! 🌍✨

Love, Natalija

Beautiful Uxmal
Beautiful Uxmal

6,706 views13 comments


Aug 30

Hello there


Aug 29

Another great post. Love all the info. And you look perfect in red!


Aug 27

Well what to say .not to be loved shadowed in its beauty and architecture .you my luvr have also taken your place as the beautiful hostess.till we meet again much luv. 2 u.


Aug 26

You like to eat my penne


Aug 25

Hi you as gorgeous as the places you show and speak about if you weren't the one who's graces those temple it wouldn't be much to look at.

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